What Is The Most Trusted UK Profession

Unsurprisingly, politicians remain the least trusted professional in Britain, according to the Ipsos MORI Veracity Index 2017; the longest-running poll on trust in professions in Britain.

“The 2017 edition reveals the esteem the British public holds for a variety of professions, with some fresh additions in the form of weather forecasters and professional footballers.”

Key headlines from the index, include:

Nursing remain the most trusted profession in Britain:

94% trust nurses to tell the truth, just ahead of doctors (91%)

Government Ministers and politicians are again the least trusted:

19% trust ministers and 17% trust politicians, more generally. In a follow-up survey conducted after numerous sexual harassment cases in Parliament came to light, trust was at 22% and 20% - not significantly different to the scores beforehand.

Three quarters trust weather forecasters to tell the truth:

The survey found that 76% trusted weather forecasters, making them the seventh most trusted profession.

Trust in the police is at its highest recorded level:

At 74%, trust has risen by 13 percentage points since 1983.

Trust in professors has risen strongly since 2011:

85% trust academics to tell the truth, up from 74% six years ago.

Faith in priests is now 20 points lower than in 1983:

In 1983 this was the most trusted profession. This year, however, only 65% trust them to tell the truth, a lowest recorded level.

Trust in scientists has equalled the highest recorded level:

Perhaps surprisingly, 83% trust scientists to tell the truth; the joint-highest recorded score. The proportion trusting scientists has risen 20 percentage points since 1997.

Professional footballers are trusted by just a quarter of the public: 

A mere 26% trust professional footballers, putting them on a par with estate agents (27%).

Trust in journalists – while low – is also at a record high. 

27% of the public trust journalists to tell the truth, the highest score since the survey began.

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Wednesday Feb 21, 2018